
中国天文学会会员,埃格•威尔逊奖获得者,中国首颗银河系新星、亮红新星发现者,PSP公众超新星搜寻项目管理员,(546756)Sunguoyou – 孙国佑星。 严正声明:近期发现北斗云计算信息技术有限公司假冒本人网站,旗下的www. 5656.net. cn,www. astronomy. org.cn均为假冒诈骗网站,请广大爱好者注意甄别,谨防受骗!

第一颗独立发现河外新星,NOVA M31 2010-09b

发现时间2010年10月1日,编号NOVA M31 2010-09b.

CBAT 2472公报:

APPARENT NOVA IN M31:  M31N 2010-09b
    Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume, Japan; and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki, Japan,
report their discovery of a possible nova (mag 17.3) in M31 on seven 40-s
unfiltered CCD frames (limiting magnitude 19.8) taken around Sept. 30.566 UT
using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+ SBIG STL1001E camera), as
tabulated below. An independent discovery has been reported by Guoyou Sun
(Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China) and Xing Gao (Urumqi, Xinjiang, China)
on 60-s unfiltered CCD survey images (limiting mag about 19) taken by Gao
in the course of the Xingming Observation Sky Survey at Mt. Nanshan around
Sept. 30.678 using a 35-cm Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope at
f/7.5 (the measurements tabulated below are by Sun), adding that nothing is
visible at the same position on images taken on Sept. 9, 10, 11, 15, and 29
(no limiting magnitude given).  T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan, also reports his

confirmation of M31N 2010-09b on unfiltered CCD frames (limiting mag 18.2)
taken on Oct. 1.42, following a request from Kabashima and Nishiyama, using
a 0.30-m f/9.9 Cassegrain telescope (+ SBIG STL-1001E camera), with his
data also tabulated below; he has posted his image at the following website
URL:  http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/PNinM31_101001.htm.
Wolfgang Pietsch, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik,
reports a pre-discovery observation from CCD images obtained with the
robotic 60-cm telescope of the Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System
(cf. CBET 2124), also tabulated below.

2010  UT          R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      Mag.    Observers
Sept. 30.412    0 43 45.53  +41 07 54.7    17.7    Pietsch et al.
      30.566    0 43 45.52  +41 07 54.9    17.3    Nishiyama, Kabashima
      30.678    0 43 45.1   +41 07 54.4    17.8    Sun, Gao
Oct.  1.416    0 43 45.54  +41 07 55.0    16.9    Yusa

Nishiyama notes that M31N 2010-09b is located 690″ east and 494″ south of the
center of the galaxy M31.  Additional magnitudes for M31N 2010-09b:  1986 Nov.
27, [18.9 (Digitized Sky Survey, red; via Nishiyama and Kabashima); 1993 Oct.
21, [18.4 (DSS, infrared; via Nishiyama and Kabashima); 2010 Sept. 21.570,
[19.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 28.606, [19.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima);
Oct. 1.516, 16.9 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 1.564, 16.8 (Nishiyama and

NOTE: These ‘Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams’ are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                        (C) Copyright 2010 CBAT
2010 October 1                  (CBET 2472)              Daniel W. E. Green

