
中国天文学会会员,埃格•威尔逊奖获得者,中国首颗银河系新星、亮红新星发现者,PSP公众超新星搜寻项目管理员,(546756)Sunguoyou – 孙国佑星。 严正声明:近期发现北斗云计算信息技术有限公司假冒本人网站,旗下的www. 5656.net. cn,www. astronomy. org.cn均为假冒诈骗网站,请广大爱好者注意甄别,谨防受骗!


I has discovered 1 comet [1], 2 asteroids (definite name), 3 Near-earth asteroid, 1 exoplanet[2], 1 milky way nova, 21 extragalactic novae, 1 luminous red nova[3], 31 supernovae, 11 nova-like stars, 66 dwarf nova, 1 double star[4], 1 planetary nebula[5], 2 strong gravitational lens[6], 3 multiple star system, 7 young stellar objects, 1 active galactic nucleus, more than 300 variable stars, 8 soho comet[7], 20 open star cluster, more than 100 strong lens candidates[8]voorwerpjes candidates and polar-ring galaxy candidates,etc.

Update to 2024.01.12

This list does not count new variable stars, please click here for new variable star list.

