
中国天文学会会员,埃格•威尔逊奖获得者,中国首颗银河系新星、亮红新星发现者,PSP公众超新星搜寻项目管理员,(546756)Sunguoyou – 孙国佑星。 严正声明:近期发现多个非法网站假冒本人网站,请广大爱好者注意甄别,谨防受骗!

我发现的首颗银河系新星V5582 SGR

这是我发现的第一颗银河系新星(V5582 SGR),是本人最重要的天文发现之一。




Guoyou Sun(Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China) and Xing Gao (Urumqi, Xinjiang,
China),reports the discovery of a possible nova (mag approximately 11.5) on
several 60-s survey images (limiting mag about 13.5)taken by Xing Gao in
Xingming Observation(C42) Nova Survey around feb.23.94652 UT and
feb.23.96319 UT (2pass) using a Canon EOS 350D Camera (fl.= 135-mm f/2.0
lens,ISO 800), the new object approximately located at R.A. =17h45m06s
Decl.= -20°03’26” (equinox 2000.0), Nothing was visible at this location on
images taken on Aug 23,2008;Sep 4,2008; Sep 25,2008, Oct 3,2008。

All images can see from:http://www.xjltp.com/XM09AA/XM09AA.htm

C42 Xingming Observatory, Mt. Nanshan.  Observers G.Sun ,X.Gao
,Measurers X.Gao.  
Xing Gao


发现图 20090223 22:43 UT

历史图20080928 19:43 UT 



山东威海天文台拍摄的V5582 SGR新星

CBAT 1816 公报

Telegram No. 1816
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html

Guoyou Sun, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China; and Xing Gao, Urumqi, Xinjiang,
China, report the discovery of a possible nova (mag approximately 11.5) on
several 60-s survey images (limiting mag about 13.5) taken by Gao in the
course of the Xingming Nova Survey (Mt. Nanshan) on Feb. 23.947-23.963 UT
with a Canon EOS 350D camera (+ 135-mm f/2 lens at ISO 800). Using a
10.7-cm f/2.8 camera lens, their images taken during Feb. 27.96-Mar. 6.97
yield the following position for the variable: R.A. = 17h45m05s.42 +/-
0s.12, Decl. = -20o03’22”.0 +/- 0″.6 (equinox 2000.0); an image obtained on
Apr. 28 by Sun with a 1-m f/8 reflector at Weihai yields position end
figures 05s.40, 21″.5. Nothing was visible at this location on images
taken by the discoverers on 2008 Aug. 23, Sept. 4, 25, and Oct. 3 (limiting
mag presumably also about 13.5); they report that nothing is visible at
this position on Digitized Sky Survey images from 1950 June 19 (limiting
red mag 20.0), 1980 Aug. 2 (limiting infrared mag 19.5), and 1991 Aug. 2
(limiting red mag 20.8). Additional available magnitudes from Sun and Gao
for the variable: Feb. 27.960, 12.1; 28.968, 12.0; Mar. 2.963, 13.0;
3.964, 12.8; 6.968, 13.1; 22.949, 11.6; 26.950, 12.1; 27.947, 12.5; Apr.
28.837, 13.2. The discoverers have posted images at the following website
URL: http://www.xjltp.com/XM09AA/XM09AA.htm.
Following posting on the Central Bureau’s unconfirmed-objects webpage,
other observers have reported their observations of this variable. K.
Nishiyama (Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan) and F. Kabashima (Miyaki, Saga, Japan)
report (via S. Nakano, K. Kinugasa, and H. Yamaoka) the following magnitudes
from their CCD frames taken with a patrol camera (+ 106-mm-f.l. f/4 lens;
limiting mag 12.9-13.8) in February and with a 40-cm reflector afterwards:
Feb. 20.855, 10.9; 25.847, 10.4; 28.859, 11.4; Mar. 14.860, 13.2; May
19.665,14.0; 22.728, 13.7. With the larger instrument, Nishiyama and Kabashima
measured position end figures 05s.40, 21″.7. G. Sostero, E. Guido, and P.
Camilleri write that they obtained position end figures 05s.42, 22″.0 and
magnitudes R = 12.2, B = 13.8 from images obtained remotely on Mar. 13.44
with a 25-cm f/3.4 reflector at the GRAS Observatory near Mayhill, NM,
U.S.A.;comparison with an Anglo-Australian Observatory Schmidt red plate (limiting
magnitude about 20), obtained on 1991 Aug. 2, shows an extremely faint
object at position end figures of 05s.38, 23″.4 at the threshold of the plate
(comparison images are posted at website URL http://tinyurl.com/defzqs.
K. Kinugasa, S. Honda, and O. Hashimoto, Gunma Astronomical Observatory
(GAO); and Y. Takeda, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, obtained a
low-resolution spectrum (range 400-800 nm, resolution about 500) of this
object using the GAO 1.5-m telescope (+ GLOWS) on May 26.7 UT, which shows
strong emission lines of Balmer series, [O III], [N II], and He I —
suggesting that the object is a classical nova well past maximum.
N. Samus informs the Central Bureau that the GCVS team has assigned the
designation V5582 Sgr to this nova.

NOTE: These ‘Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams’ are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

(C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 May 29 (CBET 1816) Daniel W. E. Green


IAU 9049 公报

Circular No. 9049
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138,
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

G. Sun, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China; and X. Gao, Urumqi, Xinjiang,
China, report the discovery of a possible nova (mag ≈ 11.5) on several 60-s
survey images (limiting mag ∼ 13.5) taken by Gao in the course of their
nova survey at Mt. Nanshan on Feb. 23.947–23.963 UT using a Canon EOS
350D camera (+ 135-mm f/2 lens). Their images taken on Apr. 28 by
Sun with a 1-m f/8 reflector at Weihai yield the following position for the
variable: α = 17 h 45 m 05 s .40, δ = −20 o 03 ′ 21 ′′ .5 (equinox 2000.0).
was visible at this location on images taken by the discoverers on 2008
Aug. 23, Sept. 4, 25, and Oct. 3 (limiting mag presumably also ∼ 13.5);
they report that nothing is visible at this position on Digitized Sky Survey
images from 1950 June 19 (limiting red mag 20.0), 1980 Aug. 2 (limiting
infrared mag 19.5), and 1991 Aug. 2 (limiting red mag 20.8). Additional
available magnitudes from Sun and Gao for the variable: Feb. 27.960, 12.1;
28.968, 12.0; Mar. 2.963, 13.0; 3.964, 12.8; 6.968, 13.1; 22.949, 11.6;
26.950,12.1; 27.947, 12.5; Apr. 28.837, 13.2.Following posting on the Central Bureau’s unconfirmed-objects web-
page, other observers have reported their observations of this variable. K.
Nishiyama (Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan) and F. Kabashima (Miyaki, Saga,
Japan) report (via S. Nakano, K. Kinugasa, and H. Yamaoka) the following
magnitudes from their CCD frames: Feb. 20.855, 10.9; 25.847, 10.4; 28.859,
11.4; Mar. 14.860, 13.2; May 19.665, 14.0; 22.728, 13.7. From a CCD image
taken with a 40-cm reflector, Nishiyama and Kabashima measured position
end figures 05 s .40, 21 ′′ .7. G. Sostero, E. Guido, and P. Camilleri write
that they obtained position end figures 05 s .42, 22 ′′ .0 and magnitudes R =
12.2,B = 13.8 from images obtained remotely on Mar. 13.44 with a 25-cm f/3.4
reflector at the GRAS Observatory near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.; comparison
with an Anglo-Australian Observatory Schmidt red plate (limiting magni-
tude ∼ 20), obtained on 1991 Aug. 2, shows an extremely faint object at
position end figures of 05 s .38, 23 ′′ .4 at the threshold of the plate.
Additional details are given on CBET 1816.

K. Kinugasa, S. Honda, and O. Hashimoto, Gunma Astronomical Ob-
servatory (GAO); and Y. Takeda, National Astronomical Observatory of
Japan, obtained a low-resolution spectrum (range 400–800 nm, resolution
∼ 500) of this object using the GAO 1.5-m telescope (+ GLOWS) on May
26.7 UT, which shows strong emission lines of Balmer series, [O III], [N
II],and He I — suggesting that the object is a classical nova well past maxi-
mum. N. Samus adds that the GCVS team has assigned the designation
V5582 Sgr to this nova.

2009 May 29 c ? Copyright 2009 CBAT Daniel W. E. Green


孙国佑,V5582 SGR新星发现纪实,《天文爱好者》,2009-7,p86-87。


1,网易新闻 天文爱好者发现一新星, 


