发现时间2006年6月08日,SOHO编号 SOHO1162。
MPEC公报:http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K06/K06O21.html 正式编号:C/2006 L6。
IAUC 8738公报
COMETS C/2006 L6-L8, C/2006 M5-M9, C/2006 N1-N3 (SOHO) Additional Kreutz sungrazing comets have been found on SOHO website images (cf. IAUC 8738) -- all very faint except where noted below. C/2006 L6, C/2006 M5, C/2006 M8, and C/2006 M9 were slightly diffuse (and generally small), while C/2006 L7, C/2006 L8, and C/2006 M7 were diffuse. C/2006 M9 was also found by T. Chen. C/2006 L5-L8 and C/2006 M5-M7 peaked at mag about 7.5 or fainter. C/2006 N1 was tiny, faint, and stellar in appearance in C3 images; in C2 images, it was diffuse and very faint with a hint of elongation. C/2006 N2 was small and stellar in appearance, peaking at mag about 6.5. C/2006 N3 appeared stellar in C3 images, peaking at mag approximately 5; in C2 images, it was rather condensed with no tail, fading rapidly.
Comet 2006 UT R.A.(2000)Decl. Inst. F MPEC
C/2006 L6 June 8.833 5 04.9 +21 00 C2 GS 2006-O21
C/2006 L7 10.450 5 10.9 +21 07 C2 TH 2006-O21
C/2006 L8 14.617 5 27.1 +21 24 C2 HS 2006-O21
C/2006 M5 16.521 5 34.6 +21 30 C2 TC 2006-O21
C/2006 M6 19.064 5 44.4 +21 38 C2 TH 2006-O21
C/2006 M7 22.438 5 57.2 +21 40 C2 HS 2006-O21
C/2006 M8 25.064 6 07.5 +21 47 C2 HS 2006-O62
C/2006 M9 27.163 6 15.7 +21 44 C2 HS 2006-O62
C/2006 N1 July 11.821 7 12.0 +20 10 C3/2 SF 2006-O62
C/2006 N2 13.971 7 17.4 +19 55 C3 HS 2006-O62
C/2006 N3 14.363 7 19.5 +17 46 C3/2 WX 2006-O62